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New Year – New Changes

It’s been a bit since I blogged. Besides being caught up in the holidays, I was caught up in making some decisions on changes to happen in the New Year. I have been so fulfilled with my business and what I have accomplished, but most of all the people I have helped. I have been super lucky to add some key people to my team these past few months that have helped me realize a new vision for K. Ivie Consulting. We are headed into a new direction, with a new mission and are formally moving into KIC… aka K. Ivie Consulting. I am more determined than ever to help others and open up a wider range to do that. I want people to be able to KIC (kick) their ideas up and out to the market.

Change is seriously frightening when you are super comfortable just where you are. But to tell you the truth I am excited and so ready to make a change and hit refresh. Part of that change and new vision is creatively sharing my knowledge through books and retreats (possibly a webinar or two...). Putting myself out there away from my sheltered cocoon… like the Wizard of Oz or Charlie in the Chocolate Factory scares me because for all the amazing relationships I am able to build (which I feel is my super power over anything else), I am pretty shy at heart. I am daring myself to be bolder and braver than I have ever been and saying it out loud to you so I don’t back down. This is not a resolution, but more of a promise and a challenge to myself. So what is it you are willing to do to step out from behind the curtain? Be bold, be brave, we’ll do it together and if you fall or fumble along your way know that you are not alone, get up, be stronger for it and dare to dream something new, adventurous, exciting and refreshing this year. Cheers to you and an amazing 2017! Go after it, it’s waiting for you.

Making changes for the New Year:

Pick one major thing

If you complete it move onto your next challenge or adventure on your list

Plan ahead

Create a road map of what you want to do, how you will achieve it and who will help you

Anticipate obstacles

Bumps in the road are inevitable plan for them and they will be easier to overcome

Pick a start date

It is said that if you pick a date and let just one person know your intention, you will do it

Give a deadline

Set your goal and a date you plan to achieve it by (or mini goals toward the ultimate result), say it out loud, write it on a sticky note and put it somewhere you will see it every day - if it’s in front of you it will be a constant reminder of what you want and what you promised yourself to go after

Go for it

Don’t think so much to the point you talk yourself out of it, let your hair down and take a chance on you

Accept failure and learn from it

The most successful people failed many times and rather than getting discouraged it gave them the fire to do better and to prove that they can do it

Reward yourself

You made a decision to do something and you went for it (no matter if it looks exactly the way it did when you began or a bit different)… be proud that you did something… now go on treat yourself to something that feels special and celebratory you deserve it

Be happy, be healthy, be true and I wish you a year that not only gives you everything you want, but also everything you need.

Dream it . Do it… and KIC it up in 2017!


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