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Get Connected!

​It's so important to meet new people on your journey and to stay connected! How do you make meaningful connections with everyone you encounter along your entrepreneurial journey? Easy. Open your mouth and speak. Share, be open and willing to let somebody in, to know more about you, what you do and who you are. More often than not you'll notice that there's a connection that you would never have guessed was there. Trust me when I say that it's just as much of who you know as it is what you know in business. But make no mistake, you still have to be authentic and intentional in your connections and give just as much as you get. Connecting is a two-way street! Ways you can connect: Take a chance. A huge part of making connections is stepping out of your comfort zone and talking to… pretty much anyone and everyone. Say hi to people you pass on the street or you're standing in line with at the grocery store. You never know who you're talking to or who they know. Make sure you know who you are. Well, of course you know who you are, but do you know how to explain who you are and what you do so that you set yourself apart? This was a big hurdle for me because I am in such a niche avenue of developing products and product makers that it's really hard to explain what I do so people understand and want to lean in and hear more. Listen more than you talk. Once you introduce yourself, let the other person talk and give them your undivided attention. If you take a genuine interest in someone else, they will open up and share more than if you were chattering away yourself. There's plenty of time for that as you get to know each other. Be giving. Ask people what they're passionate about. This is the best way to make intimate connections with people who think like you do. Touch base with them. Make sure to follow up with a quick email, text or call to say how nice it was to meet that person and keep the connection going. So next time you’re drawn to someone who you just feel like you have to talk to, go for it. Sometimes you have to let the universe bring people to you and you to other people! Now, go make three connections today, wherever you are. It all starts with "hi". They may be the best connections yet. Till next time… think it . dream it . do it… and connect! Kelli

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