Taking you from where you are to where you want to be
Taking you from where you are to where you want to be
Taking you from where you are to where you want to be
Frequently Asked Questions
We Can Help You at Any Stage with Your Product
We can help you develop your idea into a viable, marketable, profitable product.
Find Out If Your Idea Is a Go
Design & Develop
We can help you lay the groundwork to create your product.
Product Design
Prototype & Samples
Trademarks & Patents
Cost of Goods Analysis
Wholesale Pricepoints & MSRPs
Focus Groups & Research
Brand Identity
Website Development
We can help you from A to Z to make your product (U.S. or overseas), shipped to you shelf-ready and into customers' hands.
Business Structure
We can help you launch by preparing your marketing platform and strategy (retail and digital), connecting you with specialized marketing partners, and developing specific lead lists of your optimal buying targets.
PowerPoint/Pitch Decks
Strategy & Launch
Social Media Marketing/PR
Mobile App Development
Email Marketing
We can cultivate opportunities to introduce and showcase your products to top decision-makers and nurture those relationships to build and further grow the brand.
Sales Representation
Key Accounts
Exposure & Sales Opps
Licensing & Buy-Out
Message from Kelli Ivie - CEO of KIC
Our clients express that our personal and collaborative approach gives them comfort in knowing that we are with them every step of the way. With an upfront and honest style, we are known for our client commitment, integrity, and confidentiality. Our creativity and positive energy show in the excitement and ideas we share with our clients and our ability to step in our client's shoes to make great things happen. We have a vast network of resources and contacts and have created a niche for consumer goods product development that sets us apart.
Most of all...we nurture and support your ideas through the entire process.
"Kelli has been giving me invaluable practical help in product placement and development. I know she has the skills (in the kindest most heartfelt package) to take someone's product to the wide marketplace."
-Ianthe,Owner-Objects With Purpose